Westcoast Residential joins Absolute

The Absolute Sunrise To Sunset Challenge 2023 🌅 🏃🏼‍♀️ 🚴🏼 🛴

On Friday 12th May, the Absolute Team took part in their second annual Absolute Challenge - a collective effort to complete as many 1 mile laps of Paignton Green as possible between sunrise and sunset, all in aid of the incredible Rowcroft Hospice.

With a variety of modes of transport from walking to running, cycling to rollerblading and even scootering and tandem cycling, we completed a whopping 631 miles across the day! This is the equivalent of travelling between Brixham and Inverness - all using our own power!

The day started with some of the team up bright and early ready for a sunrise start at 5:31am, with the first runners, cyclists and walkers setting off against the backdrop of a beautiful spring sunrise. Taking advantage of the blue skies and cool temperatures, we racked up over 100 miles between us within the first few hours. Then, in quick succession, multiple members of the team hit half marathon distances and even marathons!

As the day progressed, people took to alternative methods of getting their laps in… some of the most interesting included 5 laps on rollerblades, a lap on a very small child’s scooter and multiple miles covered on a tandem bike! There were a few incredibly wobbly starts on the tandem but it definitely provided some laughs for us all as we rested between our miles! Many dogs and children also did their bit for the challenge and clocked up laps walking and on scooters. We were overwhelmed with the support of those who saw us completing our challenge and even had members of the public ask to join in and complete their own laps, including the infamous local ’Storm Trooper Runner’! There was also a generous donation from a passing fire engine!

Although the weather conditions worsened as the day went on and the winds picked up, it didn’t stop us and our spirits were high until the end! Fuelled by yummy homemade cakes, visits from friends, family and other local businesses and some good music (including a very aptly named dance to the song ‘I'm gonna be (500 miles)’, we partied together all day long. To top it all off and celebrate everyone’s efforts, we completed a lap as a whole team as the sun set to draw in the close of our challenge.

A special mention must go to the amazing George from O’Neill & Holman decorators, who achieved an epic 56 miles running throughout the day, without stopping! That’s a whopping 15 hours and 20 minutes of continuous movement and equates to a double marathon distance. Hat’s off to you George!

We are immensely proud of all the efforts of our team and supporters - it was an amazing day and everyone went above and beyond to challenge themselves. Also, we would like to say a massive thank you to Rowcroft Hospice for all your support and help with the event. Finally, thank you to everyone who has donated to our challenge - we have raised close to £3000 which is a brilliant achievement and we know how much this will mean to our local hospice.